This will be your space! If you would like to join the Peace Weavers Vision in person, by monetary donation, with your healing and peace bringing event(s) please email with the title, what you […]

Peace Weavers Vision Statement
Israeli and Palestinian medicine women, who see themselves as sisters of one nation, are gathering together to hold ceremonies for all to pray for peace. They will make pilgrimages on holy land to ancient sites in Israel, Palestine, Europe and England being joined by indigenous humans of Iranian, Lakota, Columbian, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon blood with many more people joining each day as one human family, choosing to open our arms to walk, sing and pray each other home to peace.
There are many threads to the tapestry of peace we weave together. The thread that inspired this movement is a pilgrimage which begins in the New Forest, the ancestral arrival place of pilgrims from other lands or arriving home. They will perform sacred spring purification rituals at a holy well with many other folk of the forest. The women will then travel onto StoneHenge and hold a peace vigil over the shortest darkness at the summer solstice. Beholding a new dawn together, they will continue the journey through the longest day, to West Kennet long barrow to honour the dead and what is ready to die then call in what is ready to be born; to cherish and celebrate life.
From there walking the ancient route to Avebury womb circle to bring the called in seeded eggs to the ancient structure of creation for what wants to be borne to implant. Then onto Glastonbury where they will be met by many more to co-create ceremonies at this spiritual heart centre of England. Here with fire circles and water ceremonies they will arrive at an ancient peace stone, which traditionally was used as a meeting place for reconciliation of warring tribes.
There are already aligning threads which weave peace into this tapestry. We hope to honour each thread as a vital story worthy of sharing with everyone. Just as we hope you will weave the threads of your peace journey with us so to honour all who align with peace, joy and collaboration.
To begin we will have a blog “Weaving Threads of Peace” which highlights the pilgrimage and aligned stories which are central to this collective peace weaving vision and post on the Facebook group, linked on the words.
We invite you to share on the Facebook group and those stories which deeply impact (time allowing) will find their way onto our blog too.